How to create a facebook business page

How to create a facebook business page
Facebook business manager login
In the same way, leaving the “Online” sector, those of a bar or a restaurant like “El Celler de Can Roca”, of a Spa Hotel like “Balneario de Archena”, as well as clothing stores, shoe shops, bookstores, etc. also have a place here.
This category does not need too many explanations, since it is aimed at all types of users (famous or not) who seek to give social promotion to themselves, as is the case of the so-called “Influencers”.
The first thing to do is to start, in a preliminary way, to get fans for your page. And what better way than inviting all those friends you have on your personal profile to “like” it.
Here you can use a video, as I mentioned recently, so if you have the means to create and edit online videos, it could be an element that will give some engagement to your Fan Page.
In this case, we will choose for this example “@minegociodemarketing” and, if you look at the following image, once written a green “check” symbol appears, confirming that this username is free.
Business facebook account
If you are still doubting whether or not your business should have a presence in this social network, I am going to tell you the main reasons why I would consider this social network in my Social Media Plan.
4. It is the social network with more people that exists, so it is very likely that your potential customers are on this platform and if you are not, you will be losing an opportunity that your competition may not miss.
For example, if you have a local business you can put that at the hours that the business is not open and people make an inquiry will be sent a message telling them that as soon as you can respond.
If what you want is to stop being the administrator of a page you must access to configuration → Page roles and the section “Existing page roles” will show you the different administrators.
Facebook business manager
For the cover image, I advise you to choose one that is related to the theme of your business or the content you have decided to share. In addition, the measures should be 1640 x 856 pixels.
Something very important to keep in mind is to have a social media plan before you start spreading content. Here you have a customizable template to create your Social Media Plan in a few steps.
Set some goals before you start publishing content on a social network and choose a series of KPIs that will help you measure whether or not you are achieving those goals over time. All this information can be captured in a dashboard, to have it in a more visual way and month by month.
Facebook business
Because of this, it is important to perform this step carefully. Your page will be the showcase of your company on the social network and its appearance will generate a perception in the visitor, either positive or negative.
There is also the case of companies that have transcended the brand itself, for example Nike. In this case, when the brand is associated with certain values that are shared, it could be created within the category of “Brand or product”.
Configure aspects such as publication permissions, publication visibility, creation of notifications, different filters, etc. Read all the options carefully and modify the parameters to adapt them to your objectives.