Musica com letras de canciones en ingles
Musica com letras de canciones en ingles
English song lyrics
Last week we gave you 10 songs for A1 and A2 level students of English, and this week we went one step further and came up with songs for B1 and B2 level students.
Also, in the previous post, we played with you by stealing some words from the lyrics of the songs, did you find it more difficult this way? Or do you prefer us to continue with the game? If in doubt about what you think is better, in this post with songs to learn English b1 and b2 we are going to do it differently and we will only put the full text. If for the next post, you prefer to continue with the game, you can comment below in comments.
Tags: learn english by singingsongss in english songs to learn englishsongs english intermediate english songsexercisesexercisesingleslesleslestrasletrasletras de cancioneslisteninglistening exermejora tu inglés
Lyrics in english
In less than 2 days, we have received 190 likes to the publication, and more than 20 comments encouraging us to make this post. So we had no choice but to do the post, it’s clear!
We are going to work on the songs through a video, and with the lyrics. We wanted to give you some homework, and we have stolen some words so that you have to know which word corresponds in that place. We are studying to see how to create an online test, so you can check your answers, but this is taking us more work than we imagined, we hope to have it ready for the next installments.
And so far our 10 recommendations with songs for A1 and A2 levels, as we said above, it’s hard at the beginning. That’s just the way it is. And an A1 who has just started may fall backwards when listening to the songs, but with the text in front, listening to the song repeatedly, and working on the vocabulary, it becomes easier.
Tags: learn English by singingsongss in English basic levelsongs in English to learnsongs in Englishexercisesexercisesinglanglishletrasletrasletras de canciones en ingleslisteninglistening exercisesimprove your English
Songs to learn english with subtitles
The first few months were difficult, but I was pretty stubborn. I can’t conceive of a day in my life when I wake up and I don’t feel like learning shit, how horrible! I’d rather shoot myself than get used to that… Well, back to the main focus. As the months went by, I found myself more and more immersed in the world of classic English songs and their meanings. I was getting better at the language and was re-discovering every song I had grown up with. I no longer saw or heard Pink Floyd in the same way. Rage Against The Machine glowed in me with a new ‘fighting’, ‘non-conformist’, class-conscious spirit. I was coming to understand the greatness of The Beatles. A new concept of life surfaced for me, I broke through the crust and could feel what I really wanted to do with my life. Everything changed. That’s how serious it was, I kid you not.
I want to make it clear that this list is purely personal taste, I have not done a survey let alone a field study. If you agree with at least one song on it, that’s enough for me to know that we are on the same channel and we are not far apart in musical tastes.
Lyrics in english and spanish
The portals or tools that we are going to present you below will help you find the lyrics of your favorite songs, being the ones with the best database so you can find what you are looking for no matter how little known is the song or the artist you are looking for.
This portal has one of the most extensive databases out there. It is linked to YouTube so you can see the video of the song, as well as its lyrics video in which the lyrics of the song appear. Undoubtedly one of the best tools you can access, even though its interface is rather unstylish.
Another excellent portal that you will surely love because, despite being English-speaking, it contains songs from all the languages of the world and practically all the existing artists. So you will be able to find the song you want no matter if it is performed by a little known artist. One of the most attractive things about the site is that it has an excellent organization, since you can see a top 25 of the most searched lyrics, as well as the most downloaded songs from the main music libraries.