Structure of an email

Structure of an email

How to answer an e-mail

E-mail messages is a network service that allows users to send and receive messages quickly through electronic communication systems, by means of e-mail messages can be sent, not only text, but all kinds of digital documents.
As far as the structure of an e-mail message or E-MAIL is concerned, it is very similar to the structure of a normal letter of traditional mail. We distinguish two fundamental parts, the header and the body of the message.
The electronic mail message is very used by all the people who communicate through Internet, they use them to send important information and also documents, as sometimes it is cheaper than the traditional ordinary mail, this form of communication with the time has been displacing it since it is faster that the message arrives to its destiny. That is why it is necessary to know a little about the structure of e-mail.


They are called mail because they perform the same function as postal mail, but e-mail is given the attribute “electronic” because it is sent by means of computer systems.
Like postal letters, there are different types of e-mails depending on whether the sender and the addressee are known or whether the reason for the message is personal or professional. Depending on these aspects the types of letters are:
Space in which one or several addresses of the persons to whom the e-mail is sent are written. To write several addresses, they are written separated by commas or semicolons.
The use of e-mail implies respecting a series of basic rules that guarantee the security and privacy of your data and those of your family members. Follow these rules and you will not only make good use of e-mail, but you will also have a protected account.

How to write a formal business email

Just as doctors must know every part of the human anatomy and how it works, the same thing happens with emails and marketing specialists. Many times companies are encouraged to implement emailing strategies, but they do not get the expected results. Why? You must know your tool from start to finish, so that you can use each element to your advantage.
Here are the first elements that the user sees when receiving an email: it depends on this whether the person will be interested in reading the message or discard it. Its structure contains the following elements.
To make this first section optimal, it will be relevant for you to know your consumer: what might be attractive to him, how he talks and what kind of message works with him. Follow the tips below to create the best headline for you.
To determine its length, take into account the type of devices on which your users read their messages (up to 78% of emails are opened on mobile devices). We recommend that your subject line be less than 50 characters so that it is always readable.

E-mail account

Do not confuse the e-mail address with a web page address. In an e-mail address you will always find the at (@) between the name and the domain of the supplying company.
An Internet domain is the name of a server that relates the domain name to its IP (Internet Protocol) address. Or put another way, a domain is an alias (or nickname) for an IP address.
An e-mail address consists of two parts: the username (on the left) and the domain (on the right); both linked by the @ (at) symbol, which in our context means “at” or “belongs to”.
The security in the Electronic Mail is a very important element since this one is a door of entrance of virus and other malicious programs to our computer, for which thing it is advisable to follow some minimum standards of security, like: