Lead scoring y lead nurturing

Lead scoring y lead nurturing

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El lead scoring es una metodología utilizada para clasificar a los clientes potenciales en función de una escala que representa el valor percibido que cada cliente potencial representa para la organización[1] La puntuación resultante se utiliza para determinar los clientes potenciales que una función receptora (por ejemplo, ventas, socios, teleprospección) contratará, en orden de prioridad.

Los modelos de puntuación de clientes potenciales incorporan datos explícitos e implícitos. Los datos explícitos son proporcionados por o sobre el cliente potencial, por ejemplo, el tamaño de la empresa, el segmento de la industria, el puesto de trabajo o la ubicación geográfica[2] Las puntuaciones implícitas se derivan del seguimiento del comportamiento del cliente potencial; ejemplos de ello son las visitas al sitio web, las descargas de documentos técnicos o las aperturas y los clics en el correo electrónico[3][4] Además, las puntuaciones sociales analizan la presencia y las actividades de una persona en las redes sociales[5].


Lead scoring and lead nurturing are marketing automation techniques that allow us, first of all, to classify leads and determine which ones are closer to purchase.

And, secondly, they also enable us to deliver automated content to these records, with the aim of making them aware of our products or services and also to convince them that these are the best solution to meet their needs. Let’s get to know their benefits!

To do this, let’s start at the beginning. In order to use lead scoring and lead nurturing techniques, it is necessary to attract users to our website or blog and convert them, through quality downloadable content, into registrations or leads for our database.

Lead nurturing is also an automated marketing technique, focused in this case on the preparation and maturation of records or leads, whose basic objective is the purchase of a product or service.

Inbound marketing usually uses the programmed and progressive sending of emails with valuable information for the user: downloadable content (ebooks, whitepapers, guides, etc.), invitations to online and offline product demos, personalized offers, etc.

What are leads?

What would online marketing be without automation? It would be a tedious world, with expanded times, with many errors and without being able to reach all potential customers. Planning strategies and analyzing actions would become a real torture and lead acquisition would drop to a minimum. That is why in this article we are going to focus on lead scoring.

Thanks to technological advances we can leave that nightmare behind and enter a panorama full of possibilities with automation techniques to improve results. Lead scoring is closely related to automated marketing, and we are going to explain them to you so that you can apply them in your digital marketing strategy.

We talk about lead scoring as a concept within inbound marketing. But it can be applied to any situation in which we have a database and you want to get ahead of the guidelines that all its components can follow.

Leaving aside the differences, it should be noted that they pursue the same objective: to qualify leads and identify which ones are closer to purchase. Both work in parallel and are necessary for the definition of our sales funnel.

Lead scoring and lead nurturing examples

Lead scoring and lead nurturing are marketing automation techniques that allow us, firstly, to classify leads and determine which ones are closer to purchase.

And, secondly, they also enable us to deliver automated content to these records, with the aim of making them aware of our products or services and also to convince them that these are the best solution to meet their needs. Let’s get to know their benefits!

To do this, let’s start at the beginning. In order to use lead scoring and lead nurturing techniques, it is necessary to attract users to our website or blog and convert them, through quality downloadable content, into registrations or leads for our database.

Lead nurturing is also an automated marketing technique, focused in this case on the preparation and maturation of records or leads, whose basic objective is the purchase of a product or service.

Inbound marketing usually uses the programmed and progressive sending of emails with valuable information for the user: downloadable content (ebooks, whitepapers, guides, etc.), invitations to online and offline product demos, personalized offers, etc.