Chicken soup for the soul
Chicken soup for the soul
Chicken soup for the soul phrases
Very nice…it came at a time when I needed it. Awakens entrepreneurship. Some of the stories I have heard as “popular”, in church, etc. It has short stories but with a lot of meaning. I like it. Not all of them were excellent though. My favorites…The Golden Buddha, The Two Monks, I’ll Be Creative When…, The Funeral of the “I Can’t”, among others….
Very nice…it came at a time when I needed it. Awaken entrepreneurship. Some of the stories I have heard as “popular”, in church, etc. It has short stories but with a lot of meaning. I like it. Not all of them were excellent though. My favorites…The Golden Buddha, The Two Monks, I’ll Be Creative When…, The Funeral of the “I Can’t”, among others…
Jack Canfield is an American motivational speaker and author. He is best known as the co-creator of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series, which currently has over 124 titles and 100 million copies in print in over 47 languages. According to USA Today, Canfield and his writing partner, Mark Victor Hansen, were the top-selling authors in the United States in 1997.
Caldo de pollo para el alma jack pdf
Dos de los mas queridos oradores inspiracionales de los Estados Unidos comparten de lo mejor de su coleccion de la gente en todas partes. Canfield y Hansen nos brindan ingenio y sabiduria, esperanza y poder para animarnos en los momentos mas dificiles, nos proporcionan ejemplos de lo que es posible hacer, e iluminan el camino por el que todos transitamos. Cuando desees poner empeno, inspirar a un amigo o ensenar a un nino, encontraras la historia precisa en este tesoro reconfortante.
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Jack Canfield y Mark Victor Hansen, autores de la serie Sopa de pollo para el alma, número 1 del New York Times y del USA Today, han dedicado su vida al crecimiento personal y profesional de los demás.
Buen libro, con breves historias inspiradoras para levantar el espíritu, estos 2 autores son verdaderos motivadores y a mi madre enferma le encanta este libro le ayudó a recuperarse después de la amputación de una pierna, le proporcionó motivación y ánimo para seguir adelante.
Summary of chicken bouillon for the teenage soul
Two of America’s most beloved inspirational speakers share from the best of their collection from people everywhere. Canfield and Hansen give us wit and wisdom, hope and power to encourage us through the toughest times, provide us with examples of what is possible, and illuminate the path we all walk. When you want to empower, inspire a friend or teach a child, you’ll find just the right story in this heartwarming treasure.
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Chicken soup for the soul pdf book
Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield built their careers through motivational lectures and talks that sought to convince people to fight for their ideals. They discovered through their lectures and presentations that what really motivated people were not the orders, suggestions or recommendations that the experts made, but to learn about the life experiences of other people with similar situations or characteristics and to see that, despite everything, they had been able to achieve success and happiness.
Given these findings, they undertook together the task of collecting stories of different personalities and people, put them into this book and begin its distribution, without forgetting that every story in the book had to be a success story and help people to have a better attitude towards conflict situations.
But the title was a complicated decision and they both searched for a name for a publication that had such purposes, a question that seemed to have no end until one day Jack remembered how his grandmother used to offer him chicken broth every time something was wrong, which immediately gave him an idea.