Feel the fear and do it anyway
Feel the fear and do it anyway
the best of redimi2
This book is an excellent first step to enter into your own personal development process, starting with understanding how fear works and from what other attitude you can interact with everything that happens in your life. I sincerely believe that this is an indispensable book, on the bookshelf of anyone who wants to grow and evolve.
And the fact is that whenever you enter “new terrain” you will always feel fear, no matter how much you have cultivated your self-confidence, it is something inherent to change and you have to accept it, learn to live with it. Don’t wait for the fear to go away, because it won’t until you do what you fear. Do first, and not only will the fear go away, but your self-confidence will increase. If you do NOT face your fears, they will haunt you all your life and will be much more frightening and difficult to cope with than the cost of facing them.
– From a position of Pain: that is, when you feel fear, you are flooded with a feeling of Helplessness and that leads you to a state of Depression. Finally a Paralysis is produced in you that prevents you from acting.
porta | ser (official video)
A couple of months ago I published a post about Jim Carrey’s movie Say Yes. I loved it, and apart from being quite funny, it gives you a rush and makes you want to say yes, at least for a long time after watching it…. 🙂
Then I wrote about fear, a topic about which, as I said, Paco (@falcaide) and Pedja have published 3 wonderful posts that are like to print and read often. Read them and then start saying YES, of course…. 🙂 Say yes to everything we want to do and don’t do because we are afraid. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being hurt, fear of exposing ourselves, fear of ridicule, fear of what people will say, ….
The title of the post, by the way, “inspired” by a book that I have recently been given, “Even if you are afraid, do it anyway” (Feel the fear and do it anyway) by Susan Jeffers, but I have not yet had time to read. Soon it will fall…
miguel angel tobías & gennet corcuera | tedxsevilla
As you progress on your journey from where you are to where you want to be, you will have to face your fears. Fear is natural. Whenever you are going to start a new project, you will feel some of it, the difference is that most people let that fear paralyze them and never take the first step.
There is a great paradox with respect to fear, normally starting a business is a lot out of comfort zone, and more if it is to do it online … although if we analyze logically that situation, we would realize that it is ridiculous; let’s see.
Why are people less afraid to start a business with a physical location, asking for a loan from the bank of maybe $50,000, than to start a business on the internet that has to invest $3000 to start?
how to overcome the fear of starting
The techniques explained, in a pleasant and practical way, in this book are authentic tools of easy application and of great effectiveness to: – Control one’s own life and overcome fear. – Change the way of thinking and eliminate anger and resentment. – Find the job you want. – Create positive relationships with others. – Face situations with strength and self-confidence.
The techniques explained, in a pleasant and practical way, in this book are authentic tools of easy application and of great effectiveness to: – Control one’s own life and overcome fear. – Change the way of thinking and eliminate anger and resentment. – Find the job you want. – Create positive relationships with others. – Face situations with strength and self-confidence.