Van gogh alive the experience
Van gogh alive the experience
Van gogh alive mexico price
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What is supposedly the “most visited multimedia exhibition in the world” arrives in Mexico City, a festive display that will immerse you in Arles, Saint Rémy and Auvers-sur-Oise, where Van Gogh created most of his works. Van Gogh Alive – The Experience brings to life both iconic and lesser-known paintings and artworks from a 1,500-square-meter structure installed at the Monument to the Mother.
This is no ordinary art exhibition: Van Gogh Alive invites you to enter a large black box gallery with screens stretching from wall to wall and even covering columns and floor, in which more than 3,000 van Gogh images are recreated on a grand scale. From Starry Night and Sunflowers to his Japanese-inspired pieces.
Van gogh alive
In 2020 we will have in Mexico Van Gogh Alive The Experience, one of the most requested multimedia exhibitions in the world thanks to its enormous technological capacity that will transport you to the universe of Vincent Van Gogh and his works. Find out all the details about this unmissable exhibition, from the place where it will be installed, what you will find in it and even the prices.
Van Gogh Alive is much more than an exhibition, it is an immersive experience that combines art and technology to take the viewer on a journey through the masterpieces of the post-impressionist painter. What do we mean? We mean that from the first moment you set foot inside the exhibition you will be immersed in the detail of his pieces.
On display you will see more than 3,000 images, thanks to the technology known as Sensory4, that is, a system that combines motion graphics, cinema-quality surround sound and dozens of high-definition projectors that will capture the works on different surfaces, such as walls, columns, ceilings and floors.
Van gogh alive horarios 2021
Aventúrese en un mundo nuevo y emocionante; renuncie a todas las ideas preconcebidas de las visitas tradicionales a los museos, disipe todas las nociones de pasar de puntillas por las silenciosas galerías de arte para ver las obras maestras desde lejos, cambie su forma de relacionarse con el arte.
Tanto los adultos como los niños forjarán sus propios caminos y encontrarán su propio significado mientras deambulan por las galerías, explorando rincones ocultos, viendo obras de arte desde nuevos ángulos y descubriendo perspectivas únicas.
Sincronizadas con una poderosa partitura clásica, más de 3.000 imágenes de Van Gogh a enorme escala crean un emocionante despliegue que llena pantallas gigantes, paredes, columnas, techos e incluso el suelo, sumergiéndole por completo en los vibrantes colores y vívidos detalles que constituyen el estilo único de Van Gogh.
Van gogh alive tickets
You’ve never had a Van Gogh experience quite like this before. Instead of standing and gazing at each of his incredible and iconic paintings, imagine walking inside each of them. Investigate the layers of the paintings and the tools and techniques Van Gogh used; literally step inside his paintings or take a Van Goghian selfie.
Meet Vincent van Gogh: An Immersive Experience is a fascinating journey inside the works of one of the most important painters in history. And proof of this is that it has won international awards. Finally, in 2021, the time has come for the immersive Van Gogh exhibition to land in Madrid.
In the exhibition, you will be able to immerse yourself directly in the paintings of the Dutch genius, sit at the table next to The Potato Eaters and climb into a golden haystack in Arles, always under the seal of Van Gogh’s iconic style. In short, a 360º digital art experience.